This heifer has a soft spot in my heart. Not only is she a big, deep-bodied female packed with cow power, but she also has the sweetest disposition. While we were selecting replacement heifers last year, my best friend (a true city gal) Becky Deutsch was assisting us. Raquel mosied right up to Becky in her hot-pink coveralls and sniffed her. It was as if Raquel had "marked" Deutsch as her own. This summer, Becky showed her first heifer, Raquel.
I could go on and on about the great qualities of Raquel. But here's the basics (the rest I will let you see for yourself). She's AI-bred to
Laramie to calve on 2/11/2009. Her mother, a 2000 MN Great Northern Sale purchase from Cyr's Red Angus, never misses. In fact, her 2006-born heifer was selected for the 2007 MN Great Northern sale and sold for $2,000. She's got a 2008-born maternal sister in the replacement heifer pen waiting to be a great one.
There's a reason why this cowline always stands out. You can't go wrong with an easy-fleshing maternal matron. Check out Lot 9's pedigree and latest numers
here. In this case, seeing is believing.

Above, here's Lot #9 mother (notice the resemblance) - 8 years old. I took this photo last Sunday in the pasture. She's this chunky without a bite of grain since she was a heifer. Take a look at her rear profile (below).

Here's the 2006-born heifer out of this cow (we call her #12) that sold in the 2007 MN Great Northern Sale for $2,000.

Lastly, here's the 2008-born calf from #12. She's going to be just like her big sisters.

Interested? I would be.
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